
Hi this is Michael Chu, and thanks for joining me.  I was reminded recently that people have common goals: becoming financially independent so they can do whatever they want in life (and many have wanted to make it a better world), companionship (since no one to share is not a fun life) and healthy, energetic body & mind.  It’s a befitting reminder to start off in 2021, since those happen to be my personal goals in life as well, and I will address my blogs on these common themes.  Won’t you join me?

So who is Michael? I came from a middle class family who fled communist China and settled in Taiwan, and due to my mom’s work, traveled to Kuwait and Japan before 12.  An opportunity to come to the United States came up and of course I took that chance to change my life.  Got through college at SJSU and started working in the Silicon Valley high tech industry, and worked hard to advance.  Being creative in business solutions and love to work with people, I moved from corporate finance into SW engineering and finally marketing & biz dev.  

Taiwan is a beautiful island, people are generally nice and has lots of great produce. Temperature is mild to hot and air is moist. And home to most advanced semiconductor production in the world.

I saw an opportunity to start my own business and that was a great experience.  Took a long time to take shape but Triteck helped Seiko successfully sell into the largest account in the US and then took Toshiba to establish China market entry.  I had a lot of fun while the contract with the sellers lasted.  Then it was time to contemplate what to do next and I definitely wanted to go into the new tech (AI, autonomous driving, green energy, etc.)  and I joined an AI company for almost a couple of years when COVID hit and in a large round of layoff, I am back on my own again.  

Real estate is my passion, my pastime used to be going to all the open houses in the area and I had a few rental properties.  So I will be spending more time now to help myself and my like-minded friends to use real estate investing to achieve financial independence.  For that reason, I would like to be known as the cashflow realtor.  More to come….